Turbo related repairs are on the up, findings show

GW readers share their views and experiences on turbo repairs

Turbo related repairs are on the up, findings show
Independent turbo distributor, BTN Turbo say it’s essential to find out what caused the turbo to fail, or you may repeat the problem.

Demand for turbo-related repairs are on the up with 46 per cent of independent garages replacing one to four turbos each month.

While 58 per cent say they “fully diagnose the fault before replacement” and have not had a bad experience, 42 per cent say they have come across turbo replacements that have suffered a related problem after fitment and that often it was incorrect diagnosis that was to blame.

PSA’s 1.6 HDi engine was repeatedly mentioned as a particularly problematic job with some respondents noting difficulty in removing the carbon build-up in the oil feed pipes.

It’s thought that if the engine has been operated with a low oil level,a high concentration of carbon in the oil can lead to the blockage of the in-line filter, oil cooler and main oil filter, which will eventually bring on premature turbo charger failure….

This exclusive article first featured in Garage Wire Views, click here to continue reading and view all of the survey results…

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