Valeo launches new compact wiper blades catalogue

Includes three sub ranges: standard, revolution and evolution

Valeo launches new compact wiper blades catalogue
Valeo compact catalogue.

The compact standard blade program includes 37 part numbers covering 90 per cent of European vehicle applications.

Compact revolution comprises of ten part numbers covering 90 per cent of the European car parc.

Compact evolution is made up of 21 part numbers, providing 85 per cent coverage to European vehicles.

A new flatblade has been produced for the Evolution range covering Citroen DS5 (2006/15>) and Ford Transit (2005/12>) vehicle applications.

There is also a comprehensive cross referencing table which can be found linking specific OE parts with the compatible compact part number.

Each product is listed by the vehicle’s make and model, making it easier to determine the appropriate part number.

To view Valeo’s latest wiper blade catalogue, click ‘more details’ below.

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