BMW owner avoids car park dents with crude foam protection

Foam piping hung from sides of car with cable ties in bid to protect paintwork

BMW owner avoids car park dents with crude foam protection

An amused motorist has posted pictures online of a BMW parked up with two red pieces of foam protecting either side of the car.

The car was spotted in a Co-op car park in Long Stratton, Norfolk.

The images show two foam pipes dangling from the wing mirrors, door handles and stick-on plastic hooks.

Tina Land, who described it as an “ingenious” method to protect the car from bumps, said: “When we saw it we instantly fell about laughing.

“I am not sure if it is actually to prevent doors from denting the car, I didn’t test it, or if the driver is just a bit of a joker. It’s quite an ingenious idea.”

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