Reply To: Kwik Fit quote student over £600 to repair non-existent air-con machine

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anthony roe

I totally agree with you, blaming their suppliers now well exactly who are your suppliers than kwik fit lets have it, total lies we know all about you as you have been on watchdog not once but twice yet still trading standards still will not take you on or vosa come to that but if i did that in my independant garage i would be shut down immediately, yes why do the public keep going back there spending their hard earned money on things that they just don’t need, perhaps the only way to stop it is for the authorities to do some test purchasing just like they do to the independant garages, this will not happen because some of this powers to be actually sit on Kwick fits board of directors and this is why they get away with it time and time again, the only way is for the public to listen and stop using them so they cant upsell their grime to anyone anymore then hopefully they eventually run out of money to peddle there grime and just go bust but i doubt that will happen

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