Reply To: BREAKING: Fierce opposition as shock report calls on ministers to scrap the MOT test

Home Page Forums Discussions General independent garage chat BREAKING: Fierce opposition as shock report calls on ministers to scrap the MOT test Reply To: BREAKING: Fierce opposition as shock report calls on ministers to scrap the MOT test

Haydn Skinner

I instil on MOT testers that when they carry out MOT tests on my car and my immediate family cars that the test is completed in its entirety giving a thorough examination. I then have the opportunity to carry out any rectification work to those vehicles and ensure that my family are safe on the road. If I ignore the information I am given it is my fault as an owner/driver and I should take responsibility for my decisions.
Will the people who advocate this proposal accept and take full responsibility for the outcome of their decisions. I do not think so. Long live MOT 3+1+1

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