Reply To: Garage owners left to weigh up pros and cons of staying open

Home Page Forums Discussions General independent garage chat Garage owners left to weigh up pros and cons of staying open Reply To: Garage owners left to weigh up pros and cons of staying open

Steve mclellan

It’s a devastating decision. 6 months is a far too long of a period. The government is happy for us to be open and we are coming to work, yet no one to work for. It’s agreed cars need to be kept in a safe and road worthy condition. Most people rely on the MOT to tell them their car is unsafe otherwise they would never know till it’s to late I agree there should be an air of flexibility but we have all put procedures in place to cover eventualities and offer help where needed. It seems ironic that I can only get 3 months help with my mortgage we will need help for the hole 6 months till this business returns does the government have a separate scheme for us? I doubt it please re think so we will be offering a proper service to the key workers who need it otherwise many of us will be closed or worse.

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