Reply To: MOT extension will have “huge impact” on independent garages, warns IGA

Home Page Forums Discussions General independent garage chat MOT extension will have “huge impact” on independent garages, warns IGA Reply To: MOT extension will have “huge impact” on independent garages, warns IGA

Harry Salkeld

I own an MOT station & workshop. Where MOT’s are 75% of our business. We all need to stay safe and getting through this unprecedented situation was going to be tough. But I felt if we were care full, maybe we would get through it, with maybe 6 to 12 weeks of hardship. The announcement of the six months of no MOT’s will for us be crippling.
With some 19,000 MOT stations in the country. Could the IGA not set a petition page that we could all get onto and express our concerns and maybe with enough shouting from all the independents. We could get this ruling overturned.
Remember it will have to be the independents, that will have to do the shouting. As the big high street names, will want to see, there smaller competitors go out of business

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