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There may be more to this story than first meets the eye, and one must be mindful and respectful of the fact that an individual has tragically lost his life.

The report also provides no detail as to the type of lance, nor of the method that was being employed. However it must surely be acknowledged that any process for cutting up used oil cans which relies upon intense localised heat must be considered inherently dangerous, and would appear to carry with it a certain risk of explosion. It seems a far cry from the notion of safe reuse, cleaning and maintenance to which the HSE in it’s no doubt carefully-prepared valedictory statement refers.

Contrast the loss of life in this instance with the multiple deaths each year that are directly attributable to government inaction over air pollution.

You could be forgiven for concluding that this was a state-sponsored show trial of a particularly soft target. Elsewhere in the world such activity would be deplored, yet here it seems it’s what we pay our taxes for.

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