All new electric cars to make warning noise under new rules

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  • #181068 Reply

    New rules which came into force from 1 July dictate that all new fully electric vehicles (EVs) must be fitted with an audible warning device. The Regu
    [See the full post at: All new electric cars to make warning noise under new rules]

    #181189 Reply
    Jemima Washington

    Absolutely ridiculous. This is just pandering to the nanny state again. Perhaps pedestrians should be educated to LOOK as well as LISTEN when crossing the road and be educated that electric cars are becoming more frequent. EVs do make a noise- a noise of tyres on the road. People just have to adapt. What is the point of having a quieter vehicle you then have to make loud?!!

    #182056 Reply
    Eddie Bamber

    Jemima, did you not read the article properly ?. You said that pedestrians should ‘LOOK as well as LISTEN’ when crossing the road. Can you please explain how you would do this if you are blind ?. Blind people rely on their other senses, e.g: sound, to keep themselves safe. I’m sure that you wouldn’t be too happy if a quiet vehicle came up behind you in a supermarket car park and blasted it’s horn fir you to move out of the way.

    #182431 Reply
    Peter fearnley

    Why has it taken so long to figure out that electric cars need to emit sound at slow speeds we all are used to being aware of traffic by sight & sound think not only of adults but children too I also think that all electric cars in use now should be retrofitted with sound generators it would be no big deal

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