Bristol City Council agrees to ban ALL diesel cars

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  • #187881 Reply

    Bristol has taken a step closer to becoming the UK’s first city to ban all diesel vehicles. Bristol City Council this week voted to introduce restrict
    [See the full post at: Bristol City Council agrees to ban ALL diesel cars]

    #187912 Reply

    This is a joke right??
    This is the most ridiculous, stupid, misinformed, deluded statement since they declared the Titanic “Unsinkable”. No way has Marvin Rees, Mayor of Bristol thought this thru. It will hit the retail industry hard within the “Zone” & it will force people to use out of town retail sites.
    This is just another example of politicians jumping on the “Green” bandwagon with out knowing the full facts & to gain favour with the “Yoghurt knitters” … modern day diesel cars that conform to Euro VI emissions limits hardly produce any emissions at all … compared to modes of “Public Transport”

    Hopefully Marvin Rees will choke on his “Linda Mccartney” sausage before he has time to implement this crazy policy.

    #187913 Reply
    david evans

    i agree with previous comment, it is utterly ridiculous to ban all private cars and also discriminatory none of this legislation in any cities affect the rich people who just carry on regardless

    #187914 Reply

    We have had two mayor’s, and it’s been disastrous both
    Times, surly it’s time to call it a day,
    The government said that they would give them special
    Powers, to what, had. Us all with them, marvin Reese
    As deluded as his master Corbyn, a.thry do is make people’s
    Lives a living misery, this is a leftist agenda, disease
    Can run far more cleanly on other fuels. The agenda of the
    Mafia EU is now electric, they have to rid us of cars
    By focil fuels, to make a whole other industry
    For the corporate to steal from us, this is a bog mistake,
    Big mistake, he’s gone too far. We need to get rid of major
    For bristol.

    #188101 Reply
    Matthew Hutton

    If this is the case how am l to work in Bristol, doing what I do, I need access to the city is a must for my business??

    #188327 Reply
    Eddie Bamber

    If you can’t get into the city in your diesel car, stay at home and play on the free broadband that Labour are proposing instead.

    #189583 Reply

    I understand the need for lower emissions but scrapping perfectly useable vehicles to replace them, how much emissions will that cause making new vehicles or is it a case if ‘they are made elsewhere, so it doesn’t affect us.

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