Gov to ban newly approved GB number plates and urges switch to ‘UK’ plates

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  • #214692 Reply

    UK drivers will no longer be able to use ‘GB’ badges when they drive abroad, it has been announced. Britons currently have to display a ‘GB’ badge on
    [See the full post at: Gov to ban newly approved GB number plates and urges switch to ‘UK’ plates]

    #214732 Reply
    Meat-Head BPB BSC CPB OPEF

    That is going to help the environment no end.

    All them old stickers unsold going to landfill

    Then new ones, all printed in china of course.

    Will never be the same behind a car with L plates and GB

    “Learner, Getting Better”

    #214739 Reply

    As usual they love to knock Great Britain before joining this joke of the EU we were Great Britain why can’t it stay the same

    #214740 Reply
    Roy Bryant

    So if the Scotts and Welsh can show their flags, can we show The St. Georges Cross?

    #214923 Reply

    There’s one thing worse than the politcally-driven tokenism which this unconsulted announcement quite clearly represents, and that’s when it originates from an untrustworthy government that does not know truth from lies and is corrupt to its very core.

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