Government considers £6,000 vehicle scrappage scheme

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  • #196706 Reply

    The UK government is set to introduce a new scrappage scheme offering drivers discounts of up to £6000 to switch from petrol and diesel to electric or
    [See the full post at: Government considers £6,000 vehicle scrappage scheme]

    #196762 Reply
    Belinda Teasdale

    The six month mot extension is bad enough on affecting business coming through the doors.
    A £6000.00 scrappage scheme would be the final nail in the coffin.
    Is the government determined to put all small businesses into liquidation ???

    #196773 Reply
    Neil Osman

    A scrappage scheme will damage the aftermarket but encourage the sale of less polluting vehicles mainly manufactured outside the UK. Didn’t the government ought to be spending on supporting our manufacturing not that of Japan, Korea and the EU.
    £6000 is crazy, £1000 would help the showrooms start moving and not cause too much problem in the aftermarket.

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