Opinion: Vehicle technicians are more important than ever

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  • #204865 Reply

    To say that the automotive industry is going through a change is an understatement akin to the epitaph inscribed on the headstone of the late comedian
    [See the full post at: Opinion: Vehicle technicians are more important than ever]

    #204886 Reply

    Nobody wants to pay anything to have their car fixed
    Nobody understands that’s it is no longer a battery, switch, fuse if your lucky then lightbulb.

    Computer a talks to computer b, which talks to computer c
    Which works a mechanical solenoid, to raise the hid bulb up/down
    Which is nothing more than an arc lamp invented by the Victorians

    Over on DK Liteace cant get scope pattern for some junk, nobody has it.
    You need to reference it.

    Scope is great used before connect direct to battery crank, watch it dip to 8volt for split second and umpteen canbus codes afterwards

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