Service stamp fraudster gets jail sentence

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  • #184442 Reply

    A man who made more than £70,000 over two-and-half years by illegally selling vehicle service stamps online for owners to falsifying service history h
    [See the full post at: Service stamp fraudster gets jail sentence]

    #184486 Reply
    Mark Worsley

    There are loads of these people on eBay. They even sell service books and you request how many dealer stamps you want it supplied with and which manufacture. Why don’t eBay ban them??? Maybe they are just as guilty? And are they being looked into…. I doubt it.

    #184487 Reply

    Trading standards can’t be taking this fraud seriously, just now I got 6,000 hits on service stamps on eBay. Makes service records meaningless.

    #184490 Reply
    Peter Miles

    Maybe, for the first time, I can see a benefit in the “on-line” service history records most manufacturers are using or going to? Although they could all be made much more user friendly they get round this sort of scam.

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