UK Volkswagen owners begin fight for ‘dieselgate’ compensation

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  • This topic has 4 replies, 2 voices, and was last updated 5 years ago by Saidy.
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  • #188826 Reply

    Tens of thousands of UK motorists who bought VW, Audi, Seat and Skoda diesel cars are taking legal action in the aftermath of the “dieselgate” scandal
    [See the full post at: UK Volkswagen owners begin fight for ‘dieselgate’ compensation]

    #188894 Reply
    Graham Bullock

    It may be proven that the claimants (vehicle owners) have not suffered any loss, but the government has suffered a loss as the rate of VED paid was substantially less than the rate that should have been paid in regards to the amount of pollutants emmitted from those vehicles. Maybe the government should make a claim!

    #188895 Reply

    The truth of the matter is Vw installed a device which is a cheat on emission. This has been an open and shut case in U.S.A. where millions of Vw Car owners received a full compensation. In United States it was the Government that took Vw group to court and rightly so, consequently Vw group paid a hefty fine in billions of dollars and car owners compensated.
    Here in Britain the Government knowingly doesn’t care and not ‘interested’ for political reasons, so the public has to fight the case. How sad.
    The joke is if a small Company installed the Vw software cheat, this would be constituted as breach of Mot emissions regulations. Believe me the Government would have took drastic action with fines.

    #188961 Reply

    Arguably there is also supporting evidence that all vehicle manufacturers were also using similar devices to falsify emissions or were atleast unable to meet the claimed emissions when tested in the real world driving tests. Yet there is no mention that of the 60 models tested, only 4 actually performed as claimed, the Vauxhall insignia was especially bad but again no action taken against Vauxhall. Volkswagen was caught “first” so they are hung out to dry, hit with the blame while all others get away with it. None of them give a damn about the health concerns associated with vehicle emissions.

    #189032 Reply

    When it comes to air pollution and emission irregularities VW group is the worst because they installed 11 million illegal software in order to cheat emission tests and sold the most diesel vehicles. The EU commission is investigating VW,BMW and Daimler for collusion, while executives are being held in prison.
    The U,K VW group motorists have suffered a loss, because unknowing to them an illegal software device was installed. Given the choice would they have bought the car? For the environmentalist this is a serious issue when it comes to clean air.

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