Welcome to GW forums – read this first

Home Page Forums Discussions General independent garage chat Welcome to GW forums – read this first

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  • #147438 Reply

    You’ve read the news in the GW news bulletin, perhaps watched the latest GWTV video or maybe caught up on all of the latest tools and services for independent garages in the GW offers bulletin – well now it’s time for you to have your say here in the GW forums!

    Feel free to ask questions, provide answers, share tips and advice with other like-minded garage owners and technicians. Simply select a discussion, add a topic of your choice or look through the existing topics others have posted and contribute your thoughts. The GW team will be contributing to the discussions, so be sure to let us know if there’s a news topic that you think GW should be covering in the news bulletins.

    We hope you’ll embrace these forums, they’re here for you to share and discuss everything that matters to you as a garage owner or technician. Let us know what you think, we welcome any suggestions!

    Light-hearted banter is of course welcomed but let’s leave out any personal attacks or abuse as outlined in the forum terms of use.

    Oh and thanks for your support – we really do appreciate our loyal following of readers and contributors. Thank you!

    #147476 Reply
    Craig Harrity

    Great addition to the site GW!

    #147479 Reply

    Thanks Craig, good to see you here!

    #147960 Reply
    Andrew White

    Again like Craig, great addition to an already great site!

    #147987 Reply
    Leon Thomas

    Thanks Andrew, really grateful for your support and we can’t wait to see what the forums will bring!

    #200169 Reply

    Now your join thing working finally joined got 2 issues

    1) Just need my DK Avatar and siggy just pointless joining
    Somewhere else to upload it!

    2) couple of the articles wanted to comment, as a guest kept
    Eating everything I posted, then others needed to be logged in
    Now logged in says topic locked in loads, dont get why topics
    Are locked?



    #216029 Reply
    Justin D. James

    Thank you Andrew, very grateful for your support and we can’t wait to see what the forums bring!

    #219577 Reply

    Great Addition , Keep up the good work !!

    #220325 Reply
    John Holmes

    Hello! Very good article! Thanks, your post is really useful or me. What do you think about art ? Please, visit my website, I’m waiting for your feedback 🙂

    #249029 Reply

    Not getting oiption to add

Viewing 10 posts - 1 through 10 (of 10 total)


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