Classic car restorations could face new MOT safety checks

Owners back stricter tests after major work on historic vehicles

Classic car restorations could face new MOT safety checks

Classic car enthusiasts have proposed stricter safety checks for vehicles that have undergone significant restoration or repair. The Federation of British Historic Vehicle Clubs (FBHVC) believes these in-depth inspections should be necessary to ensure the continued roadworthiness of such cars.

Currently, classic cars over 40 years old are exempt from mandatory MOT tests. However, the FBHVC suggests that following major work, a one-off inspection might be prudent. These inspections could involve a more thorough assessment than a standard MOT, potentially including partial disassembly to examine key components.

The FBHVC emphasises that these checks should judge the vehicle against the safety standards that were in place when it was originally manufactured, rather than imposing modern requirements. Their proposal comes in response to a recent DVLA call for evidence on how classic and modified vehicles are registered and regulated.

The DVLA is exploring whether current policies need to be updated to keep pace with advancements in technology and ensure the safety of these vehicles on the road.

Source: Express


  1. ALL vehicles should have an MOT inspection. I know of many “historic” vehicles that are not roadworthy and wouldn’t pass an MOT. I own historic vehicles and they all get an MOT inspection.

  2. It’s true that a lot of these owners run their cars into the ground then it gives us all a bad name.

  3. Agree all motor vehicle should have to have an annual MOT historic or not.!! As a tester we have to complete annual training, adhere to a testers manual and comply with VOSA’s strict regulations to be able to carry out our daily’s (get it wrong with severe consequences too as testers know) yet Pete the pie man buys a classic that’s exempt due to age, but yet is still capable of being driven on exactly the same roads at exactly the same speeds and in exactly the same manor as a newer vehicle and off he goes without a care in the world.!! Absolute madness, I’ve never understood it, and never will.!! It’s getting worse too with all these wannabe YouTube watching specialists that are restoring scrap and modifying vehicles to a standard that Pete says is perfectly fine.!!!! Honestly a don’t get anyone wanting to avoid a minimum requirement safety standard test a just don’t.!! Absolutely crackers.!!!!

  4. There is also plenty of responsible classic motorists that do not have a problem with having these exempt and modified vehicles tested as they like the piece of mind for their own safety that a second pair of qualified eyes have given them the green light.

  5. It’s a no brainer. Anyone with an ounce of common sense would agree that ALL cars as said above by people, Classic, Historic or any other variant should have an MOT. The amount of classic cars we see that are in a terrible dangerous state is beyond a joke. The people coming up with these rules do not have a clue how the real world works and clearly do not care about the safety of the public or other road users.


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