Carbon Clean is encouraging independent garages to consider boosting profit margins with in-house DPF cleaning.
The specialist suggests DPF cleaning will help garage business apeal to a wider customer base.
A Carbon Clean spokesperson said: “DPFs always get blocked, therefore there is always money to be made, and these machines make the DPF cleaning process very easy.
“It can cost ten times more to replace a blocked DPF compared to professionally cleaning it.
“This process will allow you to completely regenerate diesel vehicles by removing all of the carbon and soot built up inside using high-pressure water and air.
Watch: Why engine and DPF cleaning is now an essential for independent garages
“This helps the vehicle to run smoother and clear of contaminating carbon residue.
“Many places charge around £250 for a DPF clean – imagine how much money you can make by offering this service.”
Carbon Clean’s DCS-20 DPF cleaning machine can clean any DPF in around an hour.
Carbon Clean offers four different machines with flexible finance options.
The spokesperson added: “Luckily for automotive workshop owners, garages have been able to remain open during what’s been the biggest pandemic for hundreds of years.
“However, the pandemic has still led to worry about workshop revenue.
“Whilst workshops have remained open, their business revenue has dropped significantly.
“Therefore, I think it’s safe to say that many business owners are jumping at the chance for new business opportunities which will increase workshop revenue, and fast.”
For further information about Carbon Clean call 0203 507 0175, email [email protected] or select ‘more details’ below.