Forté Technical Tip: What prevents DPF Regeneration?

Forté uncover the common factors that prevent a DPF from regenerating

Forté Technical Tip: What prevents DPF Regeneration?

Put simply, DPF regeneration is the process by which the DPF burns off accumulated soot.

However, many factors can prevent DPF regeneration from taking place, including short, frequent trips, faulty engine components, and incorrect oil use, to name a few.

When DPF regeneration cannot occur, it can lead to filter blockage, reduced engine performance and potential engine damage.

Unlock the secrets to optimal engine performance with our latest technical tip!

Discover what can prevent DPF regeneration and explore our professional maintenance solutions to minimise soot build-up, extend sensor life and keep the DPF running smoothly.

Click here to read the full article.

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