Automotive consultancy, Fourmative has reported a widespread poor practice when it comes to MOT quality control checks and has warned garage owners that failure to conduct quality control checks can result in DVSA sanctions.
The vast majority of garages visited by Fourmative do not meet the minimum standard required on its MOT AEC Audit.
The DVSA’s MOT manager guide stipulates the most important aspects of managing the testing station, focusing on five critical areas and for each suggests the best practice route to success.
1. Put management systems in place to run your business.
2. Check and assess MOT test standards using policies and quality checks.
3. Manage your MOT testers, including recruiting suitable testers and making sure they take regular training.
4. Maintain and monitor your premises and equipment to keep it safe.
5. Understand your MOT centre’s risk rating.
Testing stations can face penalties for failing to meet the required standards.
The DVSA can ban managers from running an MOT centre for up to five years in the most serious cases.
A Fourmative spokesperson said: “Look closely at point two, ‘check and assess’ section and you will see quality control.
“The guide recommends that you make sure all testers have their tests checked by someone else and that documented evidence exists of at least one MOT test from each tester every two months.
“So, how do you decide how often to do QC checks?
“Well, this is based on the tester’s experience, how many tests they do each day and if any issues have been identified with their testing standards.
“They suggest as an example, you could consider doing more checks if a tester does more than three tests a day, or if a tester does not have a lot of experience.
“These quality checks should include a process by which you do one of two QC’s.”
1.Closely watch how the tester carries out all parts of the test.
2.Re-examine the vehicle using the correct testing standards.
They should then:
• discuss any differences in the test result or in the observation of defects.
• agree on any corrections.
• agreed actions to take.
• additional training need including results of the TQI.
• Record the results in a document easily presented for your DVSA Examiner to review.
For further information on using Fourmative to provide this role and to claim your free quality check sheet, select ‘more details’ below.
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