The digital training material will be used internally for both new employees, during the induction process, and as refresher training for existing members of staff at the national motor factor.
“GSF takes health and safety very seriously,” said Phillip Hartley, health and safety manager at GSF Car Parts.
“We have a large number of employees and we’re committed to ensuring that all of them are trained and instructed appropriately.”
GSF say the new videos, which will demonstrate ‘what-to-do’ and ‘what-not-to-do’ when it comes to operating warehouse equipment, will help promote best practice across its 65-branches nationwide.
Phillip added: “A picture tells a thousand words, so we’ll be physically demonstrating how to operate equipment safely and conduct daily checks.
“The first training video covers the correct operation of truck tail lifts.
“These will soon become compulsory viewing for all new drivers and will also be made available for current drivers as refresher modules.”
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