The MOT Club has united its MOT training website, compliance platform and online eLearning service into a single brand.
A new MOT Club website has also been launched, providing an insight into all aspects of the club, including membership, to training and software solutions.
An MOT Club spokesperson said: “Following The MOT Club’s successful 20th anniversary celebrations, it was decided it was time to give the brand a refresh.
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“We decided it was time to unite all the elements into one single brand.
“It’s a busy time for the industry as a whole right now, with the back log of MOT testing many of our customer are busier than ever.
“Whilst still feeling the effects of the global pandemic, we have chosen to reinforce our position as your support network.
“Our national team of regional managers are working at full strength to ensure we are there when you need us, and our support team are in full flow assisting remotely whenever called upon.”
The MOT Club’s MOT tester training courses are 90 per cent booked for the remainder of 2020 and planning is underway for courses to be held in early 2021.
The eLearning syllabus for annual MOT tester training is available online, and registrations for refresher training are open.
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The spokesperson added: “The new eLearning platform instantly updates the MOT SiteCheck website as soon as a tester completes the mandatory three hours training, giving management up to date and accurate information.
“We have also embedded the MOT annual assessment into SiteCheck so the exam result is instantly updated on tester’s training and assessment record as well as the MTS.
“The whole process is more streamlined, allowing the site manager to issue the training and exam quickly and effectively to the tester, we can also monitor tester progress through the eLearning.”
For further information about the MOT Club call 01934 421335 or select ‘more details’ below.