Making its debut in Sykes-Pickavant’s September – December promotional brochure, the new flexible starter for spark and glow plugs provides a simple method for installing deep seated spark and glow plugs whilst avoiding cross threading.
Featuring a flexible rubber grip, the tool can access plug ports in otherwise inaccessible locations and allow the user to easily install the first pitch on common rail plugs.
A special anti-slip texture further reduces the possibility of cross-threading and gives the operator complete control over the tool.
Peace of mind is ensured as the rubber grip allows the user to ‘feel’ the installation of the component through the material and ensure the plug is properly threaded into its port.
A Sykes-Pickavant spokesperson said: “Installing plugs manually can result in cross threading especially when the plug’s port is difficult to reach, if this occurs, components may need replacing and the port could even require re-tapping, resulting in unnecessary time and money being spent.
“Existing rigid starters can be tricky or even impossible to use in tight locations, but there is a solution.
“The new flexible starter for spark and glow plugs is set to be a big hit amongst garages.”
From August 31st, the latest promotional brochure will be available online.
Select ‘more details’ below for further information or call 01543 679900.