Five ways to improve your garage’s online security

CarVue explains the simple steps you need to implement in order to stay safe online

Five ways to improve your garage’s online security
CarVue manages every area of a garage’s daily activity, from taking customer bookings and creating job cards through to invoicing and reporting.

The cloud-based service provider says that human error is one the most likely ways in which you will encounter a security breach.

Despite that, there are a number of simple precautions that you should be taking to minimise your chances of having a problem.

All you need is basic security protection and you are less likely to become a target.

Anti virus and anti-malware

Anti virus protects you from legacy viruses and anti-malware protects you from newer, more sophisticated attacks.


Use a combination of capital letters, lower case letters, numbers and symbols, it should be 12 characters long.

You can also purchase password manager (Lastpass, Dashlane) this means you only have to remember one password and then the application generates strong passwords for all of your other accounts.


91 per cent of security breaches are a result of someone clicking on a phishing email, if it looks too good to be true don’t click it.


Policies need to be in place so that employees do not fall for scams by email.

If your company do not supply bank details by email then all employees need to know this so that they are less likely to fall for a scam.

Third party systems

Several systems may be in place such as lead management or CRM, you will need to be confident your providers have a strong security policy in place and you need to ensure all your systems are up-to-date.

To find out more about CarVue and what services they have available, click ‘more details’ below.

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