Luxury car stolen despite “Unstealable” claims by dealership

Owner of £183,000 Range Rover left devastated after vehicle is stolen within days of purchase

Luxury car stolen despite “Unstealable” claims by dealership

A Warwickshire resident is distraught after his brand new £183,000 Range Rover was stolen just two days after he purchased it. Despite being assured by the dealership that the vehicle was “unstealable” due to enhanced security features, thieves targeted the vehicle in a sophisticated operation.

John, 45, purchased a limited-edition Range Rover SV Edition One from a dealership in Coventry. However, within 60 hours of taking ownership, the vehicle was stolen from his driveway in the early hours of the morning.

CCTV footage captured three individuals approaching his property. Two men proceeded to his driveway and, within 15 minutes, gained access to the vehicle and drove away.

John claims he was specifically reassured by the dealership that the vehicle’s advanced security features, including JLR’s latest security upgrades, would make it virtually impossible to steal.

“I felt safe with this knowledge,” said John. “I had just paid £183,000 for a car made by JLR, and the staff were confident that they had now made these cars safe and unstealable.”

However, the theft highlights the ongoing challenge of vehicle theft in the UK. Organised criminal gangs employ sophisticated techniques, including relay theft and other methods, to target high-value vehicles.

John’s case is not an isolated incident. Recent data reveals that a significant number of vehicle thefts in the UK remain unsolved.

In response to the incident, John has written to JLR CEO Adrian Mardell expressing his concerns about the vehicle’s security and the dealership’s assurances. JLR acknowledged the incident but stated that vehicle theft is a risk faced by all vehicle owners.

This incident underscores the need for continued advancements in vehicle security technology and increased efforts from law enforcement to combat organised car theft.

Source: Daily Mail

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