Mechanic warns against buying certain used car models

Expert highlights potential issues with Audi A8 and Mazda RX-8

Mechanic warns against buying certain used car models
Photo: Bigstock

A mechanic has warned potential car buyers to avoid certain models due to potential mechanical problems and high maintenance costs.

David Long AKA Car Wizard, a YouTube mechanic, highlighted the Audi A8 as a car to approach with caution. While it offers luxury and performance, it can suffer from oil leaks and other mechanical issues, leading to some pretty high repair costs.

The Mazda RX-8 was singled out as another model to avoid due to its unreliable rotary engine. Known for high fuel consumption and sensitivity to driving style, the RX-8 can develop engine issues if not maintained correctly, leading to costly engine rebuilds.

“These cars are absolute trash,” David said of the RX-8. “I cannot recommend them.”

Both the Audi A8 and Mazda RX-8 are pretty cheap on the used car market, which can be tempting for budget-conscious buyers, but the potential for costly repairs outweighs those initial savings.

Source: The Express

1 Comment

  1. I accidentally set fire to a customer’s RX-8. He said “these things happen “, gave me a £20 tip and went off to ring his insurance company. Perhaps I did him a favour ?


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