Mechanic’s meltdown over business dispute leads to harassment order

Argument over unpaid wages and belongings escalates to assault and threats of arson

Mechanic’s meltdown over business dispute leads to harassment order

A mechanic’s dispute with a garage owner over a business arrangement escalated into violence and threats, leading to a court appearance. Christopher Wilson, 31, admitted to threatening behaviour at an address in Bonnybridge.

The court heard that the garage owner had hired Wilson as a mechanic but, after taking time off, left Wilson in charge of the business. The owner alleged that Wilson was conducting repairs without proper recording, effectively “stealing” from the business, and subsequently stopped Wilson’s wages.

Following a disagreement over outstanding wages and the return of Wilson’s belongings, the owner informed Wilson he would be unable to meet at the garage due to a medical appointment. Wilson reacted angrily, calling the owner repeatedly, using abusive language, and demanding the garage keys.

Wilson then confronted the owner at his medical practice, threatening to punch him before assaulting him, causing swelling to the head. He later appeared outside the owner’s home, sounding his car horn and shouting threats to retrieve his belongings. Wilson also made phone calls to the owner, threatening to burn down his house and assault him further.

The court was told of a “business agreement” between the two men and that Wilson regretted his actions, stating he said things he shouldn’t have and that he simply wanted his property back.

Sheriff Alison Michie described Wilson’s behaviour as “wholly unacceptable” and highlighted how close he came to a custodial sentence. Wilson, of Grangemouth, was placed on a four-month restriction of liberty order, requiring him to stay home between 8 pm and 6 am daily. He was also given a two-year non-harassment order, prohibiting any contact with the garage owner.

Source: Falkirk Herald

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