Mercedes-Benz owner horrified by dashcam footage of worker after dealership visit

Driver demands further action after dealership offers £250 compensation for the incident

Mercedes-Benz owner horrified by dashcam footage of worker after dealership visit

A Mercedes-Benz owner was left horrified after discovering dashcam footage of a dealership worker urinating on his car during a routine service.

Michael Hinsley, from Broseley in Shropshire, had his Mercedes A35 serviced at a local dealership as part of his service plan. While initially pleased with the service, a review of his dashcam footage revealed a disturbing incident.

The footage captured a dealership employee washing his car before proceeding to urinate on the vehicle. Mr. Hinsley was understandably shocked and immediately contacted the dealership to report the incident.

The dealership acknowledged the incident and stated that the employee had been dismissed. However, their initial offer of £250 compensation was deemed insufficient by Mr. Hinsley.

“I was absolutely horrified to see what the guy had done,” said Mr. Hinsley. “I simply couldn’t believe someone could do this to a customer’s vehicle.”

Mr. Hinsley emphasized that the incident occurred on dealership premises and that the dealership bears responsibility for the actions of its employees. He expressed dissatisfaction with the level of compensation offered and demanded further accountability.

The dealership has referred press inquiries to the Mercedes-Benz press office.

Source: Metro


  1. That’s what you call, “Piss poor service”
    I’d be absolutely fuming if that happened to my Mercedes. £250 compensation is a joke!

    • Although the dealership is responsible, they have carried out the ultimate sanction of the employee by dismissing him and paid compensation to the customer. I can understand the customers dissatisfaction but I cant see there is much more the dealership can do. There has been no “loss” to the customer to be compensated for so what else can he expect?

  2. Fully agree with the last comment by Andrew, whilst understanding that this was not a good thing to happen It was obviously not the dealers policy, just the action of an employee who has been dismissed as a result of his stupidity. £250 to me sounds like a very fair offer as I assume no damage was actually caused. This compensation culture we now live in has gone to far. He should accept the apology and that offer and draw a line under this.

  3. Another solid argument for unplugging dash cams! Violating the poor guys privacy! 🙂

  4. I agree with Andrew; it’s outrageous that the employee did that (and quite disgusting), but what does the customer need compensating for?
    The £250.00 is a gesture and totally fair. Maybe add a valet to the offer.
    People are almost excited to find a problem so that they can make some money from it these days!

    • Dogs do this to cars all the time.

    • I agree, this customer is taking the P*** in more ways than one.😂😂anything these days to take money.

  5. Compensation for what? What loss or injury has the owner suffered?
    This world is getting ridiculous, they sacked the worker and apologised, That is where the matter should end..

  6. He’s welcome to piss on all my cars for £250 a go.

  7. Omg, why would you have so much disrespect for anyone? Why did he do that? Would you do that? Were the toilets broken?

  8. You taking the the piss 🙂


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