Motorists urge government action on dazzling headlights

Independent study underway to investigate concerns about glare from modern headlights

Motorists urge government action on dazzling headlights

Motorists are urging the government to address concerns about dazzling headlights from oncoming vehicles.

A recent RAC survey found that nine out of ten drivers believe that some headlights on the road are excessively bright. Similarly, the AA reports that three-quarters of its members have experienced being “blinded” by oncoming headlights.

While acknowledging public concern, the government has commissioned an independent study to investigate the root causes of headlight glare and explore potential solutions. The results of this study are expected to be released in summer 2025.

Data from the Department for Transport shows that dazzling headlights were a contributing factor in 216 road incidents in 2023.

“Our members tell us they are feeling the strain of brighter headlights more than ever before,” said Edmund King, AA president. “The problem seems to be particularly prevalent with LED lights on higher vehicles such as SUVs.”

The government’s investigation will examine the issue and explore potential solutions to mitigate the impact of dazzling headlights on road safety.

Source: Daily Mail

1 Comment

  1. Why has no one mentioned these headlamps are EU type approved ?


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