Norwich mechanic celebrates golden anniversary with beloved Volvo 145

Still going strong after 50 years

Norwich mechanic celebrates golden anniversary with beloved Volvo 145
Image: Bigstock

Keith Morgan, a Norwich mechanic, is celebrating a unique milestone – the 50th anniversary of owning his beloved bright orange Volvo 145 estate car.

In August 1974, a young Keith purchased the Volvo from Holden Motors (now a property management company) to share with his dad, Terry. Costing a hefty £2,650 (equivalent to £24,350 today), their initial excitement was dampened by a breakdown just four days into their celebratory road trip to John O’Groats. Despite the setback, Keith held onto the car, and it has remained a loyal companion ever since.

While the early breakdown may have caused initial frustration, Keith describes the Volvo as a “hard worker” throughout its long life. Despite hauling concrete beams and enduring various challenges, the car remains in remarkably good condition, boasting a surprisingly low mileage of just 105,000 after five decades.

To mark this golden anniversary, Keith plans to revisit the original purchase location and capture a photo of his cherished Volvo. This 145 model, one of the last produced before the transition to the 240 series in 1975, holds a special place in Keith’s heart.

Keith’s love for classic cars extends beyond his trusty Volvo. As the owner of Morgan’s Motor Engineers in Drayton, he clearly appreciates automotive history.

Source: Norwich Evening News

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