Police uncover stolen car dismantling operation in Wickford

Investigation into stolen BMW leads to discovery of illegal activity at local garage

Police uncover stolen car dismantling operation in Wickford
Image: Essex Police

Essex Police have uncovered a criminal operation in Wickford involving the dismantling of stolen vehicles and the subsequent sale of their parts.

Following an investigation into the theft of a BMW, officers traced the vehicle to a storage yard. On Thursday, armed with a search warrant, police gained entry to the site by cutting through a garage door.

Inside the garage, officers discovered equipment believed to have been used to dismantle stolen vehicles. In addition to the stolen BMW, they also located another stolen vehicle, a van.

Sergeant Ben Bailey of the Basildon Community Policing Team emphasised the significant impact that vehicle theft has on the community. He stated, “We are committed to tackling vehicle theft as it is a major concern for our residents. We understand the devastating impact that the theft of a car, van, or motorbike can have on individuals and are dedicated to disrupting organised vehicle crime.”

The police investigation is ongoing.

Source: Essex Police

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