Road rage driver covered in pig poo after cutting up tractor

Justice was served to an impatient motorist afer he tried to overtake on a roundabout

Road rage driver covered in pig poo after cutting up tractor
The car was dragged along with the trailer as it began to fill up with pig waste. Image: Twitter Derbyshire Roads Policing Unit (@DerbyshireRPU).

The driver of a red Vauxall Astra got more than they bargained for after trying to overtake a tractor towing a slurry tank, reports the Metro.

The impatient motorist became wedged to the trailer, before being dragged several metres while pig waste began to fill the vehicle.

The incident, which took place on the A515 in Derbyshire on 18 January, was reported by Derbyshire Roads Policing Unit on Twitter.

The driver was not arrested or issued a Court Summons at roadside, Derbyshire Roads Policing Unit confirmed in a later tweet.

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