Watch: Independent car dealership launches ‘revenge’ attack on main dealer

Saxon Bridge car superstore accuse staff at nearby Perrys of spreading “slanderous rumours” about its business

Watch: Independent car dealership launches ‘revenge’ attack on main dealer
A van with a Saxon Bridge advertisement board was parked across Perrys dealership entrance.

A revenge attack video has been posted online after one salesroom had a bust up with another in Bletchley, Milton Keynes.

Saxon Bridge car superstore on Mount Farm accused staff at nearby Perrys of spreading “slanderous rumours” about its business.

To get his own back, Saxon’s owner Brett Whiles parked a van with his own giant advertisement across Perry’s entrance.

Brett filmed the manoeuvre with a running commentary of what he was doing on Friday night.

The video was posted on Saxon Bridge’s Facebook page and has been watched more than 29,000 times.

“Slanderous rumours”

Brett posted: “I don’t normally get involved in petty arguments or gossip, but when a company this size starts slanderous rumours, I think it’s nice to reply directly.”

Perry’s general manager, Duncan Sands posted a peace offering on Saturday.

He said: “I have just heard that allegedly individuals in my team have made comments about Saxon Bridge.

“If this is the case, I will deal with it immediately and appropriately.

“We have absolutely no issue with Saxon Bridge.

“In fact we completely welcome the efforts you are putting in to make Bletchley a great place to buy used cars.”

It’s been reported that the disagreement between the two businesses, which are less than half a mile apart, has now been resolved.

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