Claim double Extra points on Bosch lambda sensors

Collect points by sending back barcodes from Bosch products which can be redeemed for prizes

Claim double Extra points on Bosch lambda sensors
The loyalty programme runs promotions throughout the year for participating workshops, the latest of which is double points on Bosch Lambda Sensors.

Bosch is offering double eXtra rewards points on its lambda sensors in May and June.

Extra rewards workshops buying Bosch automotive products.

Barcodes that can be redeemed for points include wiper blades, lambda sensors, spark plugs, glow plugs, filters, fuel pumps, ignition coils, drake drum, brake discs, brake kit super pro, brake pads and shoes, and brake hoses and wheel cylinders.

Garages will need to be registered with the eXtra rewards programme and will need to cut out and send the lambda sensor barcodes for the single packaging, sending them to the eXtra processing address no later than June 30, 2017 to receive double points.

For more information, to register for the eXtra rewards programme, or for full terms and conditions, click ‘more details’ below.

Valid : 30 June 2017

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