The Parts Alliance has described its Vetech multi-fleet oil as “the oil they didn’t want you to know about”.
In its latest marketing material, The Part Alliance said: “Millions of litres to thousands of garages whom together have supplied tens of thousands of vehicle engines across the UK during the past few years.
“Customer complaints, or reported technical issues resulting from these oils being used in vehicle engines to date stands at a grand total of nil.”
Universal performance 5W30 SSL PRO ILSAC multi-fleet oil for all vehicles with standard service intervals is currently available in a 20L barrel for just £32.95 + VAT.
Meanwhile, the high performance 5W30 ESL PRO multi-fleet oil for all vehicles with extended service intervals is also available in a 20L barrel for just £39.50 + VAT.
The current deals end at close of business on January 15, 2019.
Note, both oils excludes classic cars, super cars and the BMW M series performance engines.
Universal performance 5W30 SSL PRO ILSAC specs
- VW 504.00/507.00
- BMW LL-04
- GM dexos 2
- Porsche C30
- MB 229.51
- Ford 913A/B
High performance 5W30 ESL PRO specs
- VW 504.00/507.00/502.00/505.00
- BMW LL-04
- GM dexos 2
- MB 229.51
- Ford 913A/B/C
Contact your local branch of The Parts Alliance or call the Garage Essentials team on 0121 749 8801 for further information. Find your nearest branch by selecting ‘more details’ below.
Valid : Offer ends close of business January 15, 2019.