How many of your customers forget this ‘single most important’ item?

Many garage hours have been lost trying to find it

How many of your customers forget this ‘single most important’ item?
Photo: Bigstock

Craig, a mechanic and MOT tester from Walsall Wood Tyre & Service, has posted another video on TikTok, this time on the subject of the most important thing a motorist should leave in their car when they visit a garage.

Can you guess what it is?

Craig asks: “What is the single most important thing you need to make sure is in your car before you go to the garage?”

“It’s not fuel,” he says. “We don’t care about that; we can still make it run.

“It is, of course, a locking wheel nut key. Without this little device here, folks, no technician is going to be able to remove your wheels without risking damage to the nuts or the wheels itself.”

How many hours have you lost searching the glovebox, boot, door pockets or central storage box, only to find that the locking wheel nut key is missing?

One commenter suggested the customer should bring a new 10mm socket “to bribe your mechanic into doing a good job”.

Source: TikTok


  1. Its a nightmare looking for locknuts we must lose at least 3 hours a week looking for them, and its always your fault they say you had it last.

  2. After wasting 30 minutes looking for Locking wheel nut I phoned my customer and asked the nut was And was told that it was in the kitchen drawer. This is what we are up against.

    • Had that one

  3. Yep, trying to find them when you’re called out to a wheel change job on a busy motorway is a nightmare too. When completing the job, I always hand the locking wheel nut key back to the owner to avoid the ‘you had it last’ statement

  4. One local Garage owner charges £65 to look for it IF not produced at reception. It works well !!


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