Garage Wire terms and conditions
Garage Wire offers information on the website intended to be of interest to independent garages and a trade only “membership”.
You can become a member by “Registering”.
By “Registering” you are agreeing to abide by the terms and conditions below.
1. Membership
1.1 Membership runs for a 12 month period.
1.2 Any membership fees (where applicable) or charges are non-refundable.
1.3 Membership fees (where applicable) must be paid in full within invoiced terms.
1.4 Membership entitles garages to have access to the Garage Wire website and all digital communications.
2. Registration
Registration and any associated data collected are governed by our Privacy Policy which can also be viewed on the site.
3. Subscription services
Basic membership is currently free of charge.
However, we reserve the right to introduce paid subscription services at a later date and also to alter or amend the information that is provided free of charge.
4. Terms of use
4.1 Any member comments should be fair, balanced and free of bad language or unsubstantiated allegations.
4.2 In the event of any breach of 4.1 we reserve the right to suspend or cancel your membership without notice subject only to our own discretion.
4.3 Your website username and password are intended for individual use and must not be shared with any other person or company. Additional users should register individually as required.
5. Copyright
The contents of the Garage Wire website and communications including text data and multimedia items such as text, drawings, graphics, logos, icons, images, audio and video material, photographs etc are protected to the fullest extent permitted by intellectual property laws.
Where we publish external content we will always aim to attribute and link to the source.
The intellectual property right holders waive their right to have their name or any other indication appear on the items which they supply for this website, except at our discretion.
Members should respect the intellectual property rights held by Garage Wire and third parties and must not reproduce content without explicit authorisation in advance.
In the event of Garage Wire publishing information in error or without proper attribution to the source or rights holders we will acknowledge and correct any such errors within two working days or remove the content subject to notice from the rights holder in writing.
6. Disclaimer
Garage Wire has created this website and all related communications to enhance members’ access to up-to-date industry news and information. This is particularly designed for independent garages but is open to any trade entity (company not private individuals).
Our aim is to share information that is accurate, relevant and current. In the rare event of errors we will make reasonable endeavours to correct them promptly and professionally. Please note that Garage Wire accepts no liability for the type of general information we publish. We do not design or publish information to meet specific individual needs. We suggest members take all sensible due care when making purchasing or commercial decisions. Nothing provided on Garage Wire shall constitute professional or legal advice.
Garage Wire accepts no liability for loss or damage resulting from use of site or from technical errors or contentious messages. We make reasonable endeavours to control the information we publish but we cannot ever be sure that information from external sources is reliable or up to date.
7. General
Members may not licence or transfer rights under these terms and conditions. We reserve the right to transfer our rights or obligations under these terms and conditions to any company who acquires a controlling interest in Garage Wire Ltd.
If any provision of these terms and conditions is found to be invalid by any court having competent jurisdiction, the invalidity of that provision will not affect the validity of the remaining provisions of these terms and conditions.
Failure by either party to exercise any right or remedy under these terms and conditions does not constitute a waiver of that right or remedy. Headings in these terms and conditions are for convenience only and will have no legal meaning or effect.
Garage Wire Ltd is the operator of Garage Wire and its office is: 22 Belle Walk, Birmingham B13 9DE. For further information please contact [email protected]
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