Classic car electrification market set to grow

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  • #214616 Reply

    The electrification of classic cars will become “increasingly important” over the next decade as roads infrastructure moves towards electric cars, the
    [See the full post at: Classic car electrification market set to grow]

    #214626 Reply

    What an utter fud, would probably be ‘easier’ and better to get one of these naff modern day electric pieces of trash, skim the top off then glue replacement classic body on.

    Are they stripping the bodies right off 100% acid dipping then 100% solid
    Metal then maybee. But that Taffy program fitting these solid battery boxes
    What happens if you have good crash? Batteries rip the floor out?


    Egg, splatter, dead, fire, maimed, mangled, toughed glass, no crumple zones

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