Stop using manufacturer-owned service books, say independent sector experts

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  • #205829 Reply

    Misunderstandings and false security are some of the major shortcoming associated with manufacturer-owned service books, Digital-Servicebook has said.
    [See the full post at: Stop using manufacturer-owned service books, say independent sector experts]

    #205834 Reply

    That’s great, however in the current modern world there are garages
    That still dont have internet.

    Was on blower to garage, I said type xyz in ebay, “we don’t have the internet”
    So no, even if they did, they would end up typing wrong things

    #205873 Reply
    Alastair Mayne

    An interesting read but let’s be honest about this and understand that really, Digital-Servicebook are just using this as a marketing tool to persuade us to buy their product…

    #205921 Reply
    Garry Phillips

    Once the information has been uploaded to the Digital-Servicebook website, how is it downloaded to the car without the OEM tools?

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