Workshops bidding to win a Honda Monkey motorcycle in NGK’s parts promotion

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  • #209517 Reply

    Members of NGK’s BoxClever independent garage loyalty scheme have been quick to try and win a fantastic Honda Monkey motorcycle, worth almost £3800, i
    [See the full post at: Workshops bidding to win a Honda Monkey motorcycle in NGK’s parts promotion]

    #209541 Reply

    Never understand why these companies do these things.

    If a one person garage fine, but when there is more than one member
    Of staff, it’s the boss that doesn’t do any workshop stuff thst will
    Claim it, use it twice on the golf course, then leave it outside
    To get ruined by the rain.

    Should ask “many many people turn up” then ask “how many people work here”
    Should be equally divided by the work force not one person gets all

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