Fast fit loses business to independent over ‘dodgy’ bill

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  • #199388 Reply

    A GW reader, who has asked to remain anonymous, has sent in a copy of a national fast fit invoice after a new customer of his enquired about the bill.
    [See the full post at: Fast fit loses business to independent over ‘dodgy’ bill]

    #199389 Reply
    eric roberts

    Hi, this comes as no surprise to me. We here at Pellon auto centre in Halifax now employ an ex-national fast fit assistant manager. Believe me, it is frightening the things that he has told me about what goes on when billing their customers but people still go there. Thanks Eric Roberts

    #199390 Reply
    eric roberts

    Hi, this comes as no surprise to me. We here at Pellon auto centre in Halifax now employ an ex-national fast fit assistant manager. Believe me, it is frightening the things that he has told me about what goes on when billing their customers but people still go there. Thanks Eric Roberts

    #199391 Reply
    Tony Lowery

    Your articles and letters keep referring to a fast fit outlet. FastFit is a trade name of a tyre fitting independent and I think you should make it clear you are not referring to them. I’ve always found them great and cheaper than most. I think your article could leave you open to legal action. Either name the National Co you are referring to or be careful not to berate a perfectly sound business.

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