Up your voltage and increase your power, The Test Centre Training says

Garage owners encouraged to take up on electrification opportunities

Up your voltage and increase your power, The Test Centre Training says

Commercial transportation is well on its way to zero-emissions vehicles, and the changes are happening quickly.

Des Hall, Centre Manager at The Test Centre Training says electric vehicles won’t be going away anytime soon: “we have seen the demand for courses grow year on year, however the projected potential trained personnel shortfall is still staggering.

“Combining this with the fact we can see new technology being implemented, we need to stop kicking it down the road and start training more of our technicians now.

“The technology will only get more complicated and create frustration within the industry which garages really can’t afford to happen.

“The typical electric vehicle has the potential to injure or worst case kill you if you don’t know how to handle it.

“We recommend technicians train to Level 4 as they are expected to work on live vehicles.

“Candidates must gain their Level 3 qualification prior to commencing the Level 4 course.

“Each course lasts just 2-3 days, which is such a minimal amount of time compared to the consequences that can happen if technicians are not fully trained.

“Our training is completed at our state-of-the-art facility using real, life-size models and not death by PowerPoint.

“With the South-East being the most densely populated part of the UK, we are pleased that we can reach more businesses & individuals at their convenience.

“An important step in the successful transition to zero-emissions includes fully educating service professionals on new maintenance protocols, including new diagnostics.

“While a portion of EV maintenance will revolve around familiar conventional componentry (e.g., steer axles, wheels, tires, etc.), technicians must be prepared to handle high-voltage e-Powertrains and ancillary systems that will no longer be mechanically driven.

“Most importantly, safety precautions and emergency procedures are a principal part of our EV training program to protect technicians from additional safety hazards posed by high-voltage cables and batteries.

“We all know the rate at which technology grows, at the start of the century only 20% of households in the UK owned a mobile phone, today its over 94%.

“The growth of electric vehicles is the evolution of the motor industry.”

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