DVSA to crack down on fraudsters with new MOT risk rating

Traffic light scoring system expected to be implemented this autumn

DVSA to crack down on fraudsters with new MOT risk rating
Image: Bigstock.

The DVSA is to launch an improved MOT risk rating system later this year in a bid to further improve MOT quality and catch more MOT fraudsters.

Due to go live in the autumn, garages will be awarded either a red, amber or green rating based on analysis of tester data and the results of an improved site assessment.

Officials will monitor the data produced by each tester including what they record, how long tests take and disciplinary history.

Tester data analysis

Vehicle examiners will also continue to carry out checks during site visits to ensure garages comply with DVSA rules and that they have good systems for managing the quality of testing.

It’s thought the visit will likely include a check of an MOT being completed.

Checks will be completed at fixed intervals, initially starting at every three years but the agency has suggested they will become more regular in the longer term.

Enforcement activity

Head of MOT policy at DVSA, Neil Barlow said: “Risk rating garages is a really important area as it determines how we direct our resources to support garages and carry out enforcement activities.

“Over the last few months, we‘ve been running some trials to see how we can better assess risk and focus our efforts more specifically than we do now.

“This will help improve MOT quality and catch more MOT fraudsters.”

The DVSA will be releasing more information about new MOT risk rating later this year.

Fake MOT tester: More should have been done, GW readers say 

The agency recently faced criticism from a number of garages following two cases of mechanics profiteering from fraudulent MOT activities.

Both individuals received suspended prison sentences but many believe the DVSA should have done more.

Commenting on a recent case in which a mechanic was sentenced to a 13-month suspended prison sentence after getting caught selling fake MOT certificates at £100 each, GW reader, Peter Miles said: “To give a suspended sentence for deliberate fraud which could easily have resulted in a major accident is ridiculous.

“He should be inside now and for some years to come.

“That is how to stop this.

“And those who paid him for these passes, obviously they knew their vehicles weren’t roadworthy or they would got a legal test for less money, should be inside with him.”


Joe Brookshaw commented: “MOT stations are not checked on like they used to be back in the 80s and 90s when I ran an MOT station.

“You would have at least four visits a year from the vehicle examiner and the equivalent to happy shoppers who would just call in without a phone call.

“In York alone we have two MOT stations who just print out certification without checking the cars for their fellow traders and friends.”

Do you think new MOT risk rating is a step in the right direction? Share your comments and experiences below.

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  • #160957 Reply

    The DVSA is to launch an improved MOT risk rating system later this year in a bid to further improve MOT quality and catch more MOT fraudsters. Due to
    [See the full post at: DVSA to crack down on fraudsters with new MOT risk rating]

    #160996 Reply


    #160997 Reply
    A C Comben

    As usual the greater number of garages that do their best to do their job properly and fairly are being blighted by the few that are up to no good.All this extra work and stress will cost more money so when is something going to be done about the mot fee and fixing the price so that something which is supposed to be a safety isse is being used as a loss leader for most if not all of the fast fits. I find it funny that you cant get a discounted hgv mot the price is the same everywhere in the country but then that’s run by dvsa !!

    #162383 Reply
    Robert Moore

    It’s all very well and well intended but it’s not all black and white not all cars same not all circumstances same I’m worried this could get people “old school “ who know there stuff just not very it literate and lead to them bein penalised for there paperwork n not the quality of the mot. And we always get punished for that one “car” and no credit for the thousands that were done correctly and still on the roads today it’s like well he she has done this so they’ll all be dodgey an it tends to be a N T who gets the garage a bad name but you can’t babysit them 24 7 so poor Ae gets hit even after he sacks the tester who just moved on leaving us to pick up pieces,if this is pressed ahead I think an independent team of ex testers mechanics engineers with no byass’s an common sense should be employed
    and sack the narrow minded bullying
    Vosa staffvivev encountered,chips on shoulders wannabe but failed coppers, sorry I imagine there not all like that just speaking of experience!!

    #162385 Reply
    mark mitchell

    robert is bang on with the failed copper comment we have 1 in our area that works for vosa and if you get him its a night mare he is a muppet off the first order i think vosa should look at there selfs first and ask how can we help the good testers do a better job off testing and the testers that need a bit help how can we help them not hit them with the big stick all the time go after the bent mot stations / tester bye all means but try and help the utheres

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