Schaeffler ‘OneCode’ labelling adds new dimension to REPXPERT app

New QR code on labels can be scanned by technicians for part specific data and technical information

Schaeffler ‘OneCode’ labelling adds new dimension to REPXPERT app

Schaeffler’s REPXPERT service platform is designed to equip technicians with the information they need to make workshop repairs simpler, safer and more efficient.

Accessing this data will soon become even easier, thanks to the advent of the latest Schaeffler OneCode product labelling system.

Schaeffler OneCode is a new QR code that is unique to the product in the box, and which will be found on new and upcoming product labels.

Professional technicians can use the REPXPERT app scanning function to scan the code on the LuK, INA or FAG box.

Alternatively, the camera function on any smartphone will also link directly to the product information, and because it is unique, a huge amount of product specific data can be accessed with just one smart scan of the label – with over 40,000 lines of data checked and updated daily.

One simple scan of the OneCode provides instant digital access to all the usual REPXPERT product and technical information, including detailed installation instructions and specifications, whilst instantly collecting REPXPERT bonus points for members to redeem against workshop clothing, tools and consumables in the bonus shop.

That single scan also delivers an authenticity check against purchased products, providing an additional security measure for both parts suppliers and workshops, helping to ensure there is no chance of inadvertently fitting a counterfeit part.

The REPXPERT app is an increasingly popular way for users to access the invaluable platform, which helps professional technicians stay informed, learn more about new and future technologies, and protect the long-term future of their business, directly from their mobile device.

As more and more products are released with OneCode labelling, the app will become an essential tool for every workshop professional.

Over 2,000 UK technicians are already actively using the app every day.

To join them, simply search for ‘REPXPERT’ in the iOS or Google app stores.

It is a completely free download, and users can login with their existing REPXPERT membership details or register directly from the app after installation.

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