How Autoelectro is prioritising mental health in the workplace

John Cosgrove is the company's dedicated mental health champion

How Autoelectro is prioritising mental health in the workplace

Autoelectro has reaffirmed its commitment to prioritising mental health advocacy within the workplace.

John Cosgrove, Autoelectro’s business development manager and dedicated mental health champion, is proud of the profound impact of empathy and support within the organisation.

He said: “By fostering a safe space for candid conversations, not only have I seen a great deal of growth within myself, but also a ripple effect throughout the business as our collective team spirit has soared.”

“By working together and breaking down barriers, we are helping each other to thrive both personally and professionally.

“For me, being a mental health champion, it’s not just about making a difference; it’s about creating a healthier, happier workplace for all.”

Autoelectro remains steadfast in its dedication to providing comprehensive mental health support and a structure, one that promotes open communication and generates a supportive work environment.

Here are some examples:

Effective communication
Autoelectro prioritises clear and transparent communication; it encourages and has built an environment where employees feel comfortable to voice their thoughts, concerns or challenges without fear of judgement. This approach cultivates a workplace culture where every individual feels valued and supported.

Work-life balance
Autoelectro understands the significance of maintaining a healthy work-life balance. The remanufacturer believes in leaving work-related matters at the office. With reasonable working hours scheduled from Monday to Friday and a strict no-weekend policy, it ensures employees have ample time to unwind and enjoy their weekends.

Preventing burnout
Autoelectro actively advocates for breaks during the workday to prevent burnout and alleviate stress. Recognising the importance of mental well-being, it emphasises the health and wellness of its workforce by encouraging ‘me time’.

Counselling support and resources
Autoelectro is also committed to supporting its employees by providing access to counselling services and resources to address both personal and work-related challenges. Its commitment to employee welfare is demonstrated through initiatives aimed at offering professional assistance whenever needed.

The company encourages its staff to utilise the employee assistance support to address any mental health concerns, irrespective of them stemming from personal or work-related issues.

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