AAG demonstrates product delivery and transport efficiency in new Rotherham NDC

Centrepiece of the new transport fleet is the innovative double-deck trailers, equipped with a lift deck down the middle

AAG demonstrates product delivery and transport efficiency in new Rotherham NDC

Alliance Automotive Group (AAG) recently announced its new National Distribution Centre (NDC) in Rotherham.

The cutting-edge facility showcases advanced transport solutions, including a fleet of NAPA-branded wedge double-deck trailers, designed to optimise product delivery and enhance operational efficiency.

The centrepiece of the new transport fleet is the innovative double-deck trailers, equipped with a lift deck down the middle. This ground-breaking design allows for the transportation of materials on two levels, significantly improving capacity and maximising space utilisation.

With the new trailers, AAG can now deliver the whole product portfolio the next day, streamlining logistics and reducing delivery times.

Safety is of paramount importance to AAG, and the new trailers come equipped with a range of advanced safety features. These include, but are not limited to, audible warnings when the deck is in action, ensuring heightened awareness among the operators, as well as warning strobe lights that flash when the deck is in operation, alerting nearby personnel to exercise caution.

Furthermore, a tail lift has been fitted to facilitate offloading at sites without a dock, ensuring seamless and efficient deliveries across various locations.

One of the key advantages of the trailer’s flexibility is the ability to transport different types of products in the most efficient manner. Pallets can be delivered using the double deck trailers, while products can be transported in totes, dollies, collapsible (large black tote boxes), or pallets from manual areas. This versatility enables AAG to transport its entire product portfolio in the most effective and economical way possible.

”The opening of our new National Distribution Centre in Rotherham marks a significant milestone for AAG,” said Neil Warren, UK group logistics director.

”With our state-of-the-art transport fleet and advanced double-deck trailers, we are setting new standards in product delivery and optimising our logistics capabilities. This investment underscores our commitment to providing exceptional service to our customers while maintaining the highest standards of safety and efficiency.”

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