Technical training is vital, says DENSO

Face-to-face training supplemented by e-Learning platform and associated League of True Mechanics annual competition from OE supplier

Technical training is vital, says DENSO

Technical training with informative content across multiple platforms ensures that workshops throughout the UK and Ireland can access the information they need to remain competitive and profitable in an ever-changing market.

As one of the largest original equipment component and system suppliers to vehicle manufacturers around the world, DENSO is dedicated to the spread of technical knowledge to the aftermarket to make a practical difference to technicians who have the responsibility to correctly install replacement parts.

“Education is a key part of our business ethos,” explains DENSO Europe, Pan European Strategic Marketing Manager, Fatiha Laauich, “which is why we make our comprehensive training offering available through multiple channels, with face-to-face training supplemented by our popular e-Learning platform and the associated League of True Mechanics (LOTM) annual competition, with the 2022 contest opening very soon.

“The restrictions associated with the coronavirus pandemic no doubt sped-up the development of our online training, which was one positive from such a traumatic global crisis, but nothing replaces personal, human contact as the best way to communicate and educate those currently in the workshop and the technicians of the future.

“It’s therefore important that, provided the correct guidelines are followed, DENSO aftermarket and its representatives are out in the field at events such as AutoInform LIVE, meeting technicians and explaining face-to-face, not only the detail, but also presenting the big picture overview that makes instruction concerning the specifics of the correct installation process or fault diagnosis, all the more relevant and obvious.

“However, being able to supplement face-to-face training with online learning is a great advantage as technicians can tap into this resource when it fits with their work schedule, picking it up as and when it’s most convenient or using it as a useful reminder of what they’d learned previously, which combined, helps them to improve their skills.

“There is a wide range of material available online, which incorporates installation and testing instructions, IMI accredited modules, lecture style presentations, workshop-based movies and scheduled webinars.

“Registering for the e-Learning platform is free and straightforward, as technicians simply sign up via the following link and while there, they can also sign up to the LOTM competition.

“Those registered for LOTM earn DENSO ‘coins’ as they complete their training modules with the top 10 at the end of the year having the opportunity to win one of a selection of fabulous goodies, and the overall winner, the accolade of the 2022 LOTM champion.

“DENSO also runs regular free webinars with the opportunity to ask the company’s specialists subsequent questions.”

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