How to spot a failing drive shaft

Shaftec offers around 11,800 new and remanufactured drive shafts from its facility in Birmingham

Failing drive shaft

As a supplier of new and remanufactured parts, Shaftec is well placed to offer advice on how you can spot a failing drive shaft.

Evidence of fatigue can sometimes be seen by the bar starting to twist – generally this is due to the component being subjected to having more power transmitted through the drivetrain than was originally intended. For example, if the engine power has been increased.

Worn inner or outer joint – you will experience an intense vibration, or knocking or clonking noises, or scraping or rattling from under the car that will get progressively louder.

Changing the drive shaft can often be a cheaper, quicker and easier way of curing the problem rather than changing one joint only to find that the other joint is worn; especially when you factor in the labour time.

In very rare instances a drive shaft bar can snap – reconfirming the very real issue of the importance of properly maintained and regularly serviced vehicles.

If this were to happen, the result would be damage to the parts in the peripheral area as it continues to rotate, especially if being driven at speed, such as: suspension parts, the sump or even the gearbox. These parts would then have to be replaced which could be costly and labour intensive.

Shaftec offers more than 11,800 new and remanufactured drive shafts covering more than 54,000 applications.

The remanufactured programme is all produced at Shaftec’s facility in Birmingham, UK under the strictest of conditions with each part individually tested.

All data for Shaftec drive shafts can be found on its ECAT online catalogue and on TecCom. The programme is accompanied by the highest technical and marketing support and all Shaftec drive shafts are accompanied by a 60 months/60,000 miles warranty.

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