In profile: Sykes-Pickavant 12V/24V battery tester and printer

New innovated battery tester with QR printing capabilities

In profile: Sykes-Pickavant 12V/24V battery tester and printer

The Sykes-Pickavant battery tester and printer is designed for the efficient testing of 12V/24V batteries, starter motors, alternators, and ground tests.

With its full-colour interface, LCD display screen and touchpad sensor technology, this product provides an improved testing experience.

The tester is compatible with a range of batteries, including:

• Wet
• Gel
• Spiral

It offers the possibility to type in the customer’s details and number plate, while a QR code is printed with each report for sharing the test results.

The improved printer features are combined with a new feature that keeps track of how many tests are run each day for each test category.

The data is stored on the provided SD memory card, while a premium carry case protects the printer when it’s not in use.

An optional cigarette lighter socket cable is available to test an alternator directly through the 12V plug of a vehicle.

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