New practical fault-finding training courses will ‘plug the knowledge gap’ in EV sector

Designed for technicians who currently hold Hybrid Level 3

New practical fault-finding training courses will ‘plug the knowledge gap’ in EV sector
Photo: Bigstock

The RMI Academy of Automotive Skills, in association with HEVRA (Hybrid and Electric Vehicle Repair Alliance), has launched a range of practical fault-finding training courses.

They’re designed for technicians who currently hold Hybrid Level 3 and work on hybrid and electric vehicles.

Paul Darwell, RMI Standards and Certification (RMIC) Commercial Director, said: “Businesses and technicians are struggling to fix these complex vehicles and it’s apparent that there’s a need to plug the knowledge gap in the EV sector. We are delighted to launch the first in a range of specific practical training courses.”

The first one-day RMISC certificated course is designed to improve technicians’ knowledge of real-world faults that have been identified as frequently affecting electric vehicles. Participants will build their knowledge and experience in the following subjects:

  • –       Inverter functions
  • –       Interlock circuits
  • –       DC-DC converters
  • –       Charging circuits
  • –       Contactor functionality
  • –       Hands-on component testing

Southam in Warwickshire is the venue for the first EV practical fault-finding course on 26 June 2023. If you missed this one, check out the RMI Academy of Automotive Skills website for details of further events at its Cheltenham, Lincoln, Runcorn, Southam and Winchester venues.

To register your interest in this new course, contact the RMI via its website or telephone 01788 538 399. The cost is £295 for non-members/HEVRA standard members, £245 for RMI/HEVRA silver members, or free for HEVRA gold members. These prices are excluding VAT.

This article first appeared in Garage Wire Aftermarket magazine.

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